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How This Course Works

Welcome to the Intro to Software Engineering course!

In this document, we will provide you with an overview of how the course works and the structure of your learning journey. By the end of this page, you will have a clear understanding of the course components and how you will progress throughout the program.

Course Overview:

The Intro to Software Engineering course is designed to equip you with essential skills and knowledge in HTML, CSS, Python, MySQL, JavaScript, and Flask. Throughout the course, you will engage in a series of projects and tasks that will allow you to apply your learning and build practical software engineering skills.

Course Structure:

1. Weekly Projects and Tasks:

Each week, you will be assigned a set of projects and tasks to complete. These projects will be carefully designed to reinforce the concepts and techniques that you will be introduced to during that week. Various resources will be made available for each project but you are also at liberty to search for extra resources to help you complete the projects.

By working on these projects, you will gain hands-on experience and develop a solid understanding of software engineering principles.

2. Peer Learning Day:

We strongly believe in the power of peer learning. Every week, we dedicate one day as a "Peer Learning Day" where you will have the opportunity to collaborate with your peers, discuss challenges, share insights, and learn from each other's experiences.

Peer Learning Day promotes a supportive and collaborative environment that enhances your learning journey.

3. Live Learning and introductory Sessions:

Throughout the course, we provide live learning sessions conducted by experienced mentors. These sessions will: cover specific topics, provide additional guidance, and offer a platform for interactive discussions.

Mentors will share their expertise, answer questions, and guide you through challenging concepts, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of the material.

4. Online Community:

As a learner in our course, you will be part of a vibrant online community. The community serves as a platform for communication, collaboration, and support.

You can interact with your fellow learners, ask questions, seek guidance, and share resources. The online community fosters a sense of belonging and encourages active participation.

5. Evaluation Quizzes:

To assess your progress and reinforce your learning, evaluation quizzes will be made available every week. These quizzes will test your understanding of the concepts covered so far.

They serve as a self-assessment tool to identify areas of strength and areas that require further review. Quizzes provide valuable feedback and help you gauge your progress in the course.

6. Capstone Project:

At the end of the course, you will embark on a final capstone project. This project will integrate the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout the course. You will have two weeks to complete the capstone project, allowing you to demonstrate your proficiency and showcase your ability to build real-world software applications using the technologies and tools that you have been introduced to.

Benefits of taking this Course:

1. Hands-on Experience:

The course emphasizes practical learning (project-based learning), enabling you to apply your knowledge through projects and tasks. This hands-on experience will build your confidence and prepare you for real-world software engineering challenges.

2. Peer Learning:

Peer learning plays a significant role in the course. Collaborating with peers enhances your understanding, exposes you to diverse perspectives, and fosters a collaborative mindset crucial in the software engineering field.

3. Mentor Guidance:

Live learning sessions and access to experienced mentors ensure that you receive personalized guidance and support throughout your learning journey. Mentors are there to clarify concepts, provide insights, and offer assistance when needed.

4. Online Community Support:

Being part of an online community enables you to connect with fellow learners, exchange ideas, and seek assistance. The supportive community fosters a collaborative environment and enhances your overall learning experience.

Time commitments

As a learner, you are expected to spend an average of 20 hours per week on this program. This is broken down into:

  • 15% Peer learning (~ 3 hours per week)
  • 10% Live learning (~ 2 hours per week)
  • 70% Self learning and doing of projects (~ 14 hours per week)
  • 5% Taking of quizzes (~ 1 hour per week)

Graduation Requirements

To successfully graduate from this program, learners must:

  • Submit all projects and taken all evaluation quizzes with an overall average score of 60% or higher
  • Complete any additional assessments assigned by the program team (like peer review tasks)
  • Submit capstone project with video demo of project


The Intro to Software Engineering course offers a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Through projects, tasks, peer learning, live sessions, and an online community, you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to embark on a career in software engineering.