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Course Structure:

Our program is organized to provide you with a structured and engaging learning experience. Here's how it's structured:

Weekly Projects: Projects for each week are released on Saturdays and are to be submitted by the following Friday. These projects are a crucial part of your learning journey as they allow you to apply what you've learned in a practical context.

Live Learning Sessions: We hold live learning sessions every Tuesday and Friday. These sessions are designed to provide additional insights, clarify concepts, and facilitate discussions. Friday sessions are specifically called “Introductory sessions” and are intended to introduce you to the various concepts that you will be learning in the coming project.

Peer Learning: Wednesdays are dedicated to peer learning. This is an opportunity for you to collaborate with your fellow learners, discuss challenges, share insights, and learn from one another.

Course Content:

Throughout the program, you will cover a wide range of topics and technologies. Here's an overview of the main modules:

  • Week 00: Onboarding and introduction to learning tools
  • Week 01: Introduction to Web & Git
  • Week 02: HTML & CSS
  • Week 03: CSS
  • Week 04: Python level 1
  • Week 05: Python level 2
  • Week 06: Python level 3
  • Week 07: Python level 4
  • Week 08: SQL - Databases
  • Week 09: Python + SQL
  • Week 10: Python Web server (Flask)
  • Week 11: Javascript level 1
  • Week 12: Javascript level 2
  • Week 13: Javascript level 3
  • Week 14: HTML Form + JS validation
  • Week 15: Python query API + JSON
  • Week 16 and Week 17: Capstone Project (Two Weeks)

Project Work:

Projects play a vital role in your learning journey as they align with real-world software engineering practices. Here's how they contribute:

Practical Application: Each week, you will work on at least one project related to the topics covered. These projects provide hands-on experience and reinforce your understanding of the concepts.

Problem Solving: Projects often involve solving real-world problems, allowing you to develop problem-solving skills that are highly valuable in the software engineering field.

Individual and Teamwork: While most projects are done individually, the peer learning sessions and collaborative opportunities enable you to work with your peers, simulating the teamwork often required in software development.

Capstone Project: The program culminates in a two-week capstone project that you'll complete individually. This project is a chance to demonstrate the skills you've acquired throughout the program, and it includes a video demo of your project.


To successfully graduate from the Introduction to Software Engineering course, there are several key requirements:

Project and Quiz Completion: You must submit all projects and take all evaluation quizzes with an overall average score of 60% or higher.

Additional Assessments: There may be additional assessments assigned by the program team to ensure your understanding of the material.

Capstone Project: You must complete and submit your capstone project, including a video demo.

This structure ensures that you have a well-rounded learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge, practical application, and opportunities for collaboration.