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Assessment and Progress

Grading Criteria:

Our program employs a transparent grading system to evaluate your progress and understanding of the material. Here's how it works:

  • Automated Feedback: For some projects, we use automated checkers to assess your submissions. These checkers provide immediate feedback on your work, helping you understand areas for improvement.

  • Peer Review: In some cases, your projects will be reviewed by your peers. This process not only gives you a chance to receive feedback from others but also contributes to the collaborative learning environment. It's essential to actively engage in reviewing your peers' work and receiving constructive criticism.

  • Criteria: Grading criteria are outlined for each project, and you will be provided with clear guidelines on what is expected. These criteria typically cover aspects like functionality, code quality, adherence to best practices, and documentation.

Feedback and Improvement:

Feedback is a vital component of your growth as a software engineer. Here's how you can make the most of it:

  • Automated Feedback: Pay close attention to the automated feedback you receive for your projects. Use it as a guide to identify areas where you can improve your work.

  • Peer Feedback: When your peers review your projects, consider their comments and suggestions carefully. Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth. Likewise, when reviewing others' work, provide feedback that is helpful and encouraging.

  • Feedback Loop: Embrace a feedback loop mentality. Continuously apply the feedback you receive to your subsequent projects. Learning from your mistakes and building on your successes is a key aspect of software development.

Progress Tracking:

To help you stay informed about your progress throughout the program, we offer several tools and resources:

  • Dashboard on Intranet: On the dashboard of our custom Intranet, you will find a summary of your scores, achievements, and the status of your projects. This provides a clear overview of your progress.

  • Outstanding Projects: The dashboard will also indicate any outstanding projects and their submission deadlines, allowing you to stay organized and on track.

  • Timelines: We provide timelines for project submissions and assessments, so you can plan your workload effectively and ensure you meet deadlines.

Remember that tracking your progress is not just about achieving high scores but also about the journey of learning and improvement. Use the feedback and progress tracking tools to enhance your skills and reach your full potential as a learner in this program.